AMPLIFEST 2012: Pre-sale ends tomorrow!

Pre-sale ends tomorrow!!!

After a very well-succeeded first edition with bands as Godflesh, Bardo Pond, Jesu or Acid Mothers Temple, films as “Blood, Sweat & Vinyl” or a Seldon Hunt exhibition, we’re doing the whole roundabout again always with an art-first engaging attitude and eclectic taste in mind.

Constellation’s finest Godspeed You! Black Emperor will be headlining this year’s edition (October 28th), which already has Amenra, Bohren & Der Club of Gore, Six Organs of Admittance and White Hills in the line-up.

Dedicated to all the music lovers, AMPLIFEST is set to happen between the 26th and 28th of October. During the weekend, all bands will perform in the two stages of Hard Club, the main home of the event. The first day will take place at Porto’s ancestral downtown venue Passos Manuel, a movie-theater.

More news to come, but expect a different and very special weekend. We’ll be a family working together for the sake of what we really care about: art.

Tickets and ticket-packs with lodging already on sale in the AMPLISTORE. The pass costs 50 euros until TOMORROW!! Starting on September, the price will be set at 60 euros.

More info (line up so far, tickets, accommodation, how to get to Amplifest, parking, low-cost companies, Porto, etc) click here: AMPLIFEST 2012

Any doubts: