AMPLIFEST 2013: Zatokrev

André Coelho

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Thunderous yet unyielding. Ominous but cathartic. Organic yet sharp sounding. Switzerland’s own Zatokrev rank among the very few bands which have managed to distance themselves from the sea of faceless copycats that surged as collateral damage from post-metal’s tremendous rise in popularity. With their third full-length record “The Bat, The Wheel and a Long Road to Nowhere” on their hands, Zatokrev will not only corroborate all these attributes on their Amplifest show but will also astonish all those unaware of their ferocity.

Tempestuosos mas inabaláveis. Negros mas catárticos. Orgânicos mas aguçados. Os helvéticos Zatokrev encontram-se entre os escassos nomes que se destacam e distanciam do oceano de imitações indistintas que a ascensão e a proliferação do post-metal tiveram como dano colateral. O seu terceiro disco “The Bat, The Wheel and a Long Road to Nowhere” traz os Zatokrev ao Amplifest com a missão de confirmar este estatuto e ainda de surpreender e converter qualquer incauto menos familiarizado com a sua ferocidade.