In the past, the expression “supergroup”, particularly in the more alternative kind of scenes, implied a certain mistrust right off the bat. Truth be told, however, after so many good examples that we’ve had in the last few years that contradict such doubts, with musicians getting more and more willing to collaborate and create projects outside of their day job, it’s more than time to face these things with some normality and without suspicions. And for sure, Portuguese people who love weight and sonic volume are entitled their own supergroups too, and Avesso fit that category neatly. From Paulo Rui’s (already his third appearance at Amplifest, personally!) Redemptus and EAK to the super cult Budhi where Daniel Valente (whom the most observant will recognise as a regular Amplifest sound tech) played, there’s plenty of pedigree in this line-up, which adds up to a sum bigger than its parts, as it should be. Situated somewhere in the post-something territory – rock or metal, as you will, since the stylistic distance they travel is vast and with few frontiers – they will soon release their debut, Desassossego, and then… then we’ll just have to wait, since their Amplifest show will be their absolute premier on stage. It’s the right place.

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