



Hard Club, Porto 🇵🇹

About event

26-10-2016, QUARTA
PORTAS 21:30

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Bilhetes (18€) à venda online na AMPLISTORE, e nas lojas Hard Club, Louie Louie, Piranha, Black Mamba e Bunker Store.

Photo by Danny Payne

Photo by Danny Payne

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Assente na imprevisibilidade e na urgência, o colectivo britânico 65daysofstatic reinventa a linguagem do post-rock, libertando-o de quaisquer amarras e reconstruindo-o a partir de espasmos glitch e outros ritmos e arritmias de raiz electrónica. Desde a estreia com o clássico The Fall of Math que erigem uma obra ímpar e em constante evolução, onde cabem tanto a contemplação como a euforia, tanto a paisagem nebular como a cadência industrial; pela primeira vez em nome próprio em Portugal, e em estreia absoluta na cidade do Porto, os 65daysofstatic partilham-na ao vivo connosco – acontece a 26 de Outubro, no Hard Club.

The unpredictable british collective 65daysofstatic are one of the most innovative forces in post-rock, a genre which they deconstruct and reinvent making use of sound glitches and many other rhythmic and arrhythmic electronic elements. Since their debut with the now-classic The Fall of Math, 65daysofstatic have been building a unique and ever-evolving body of work, where contemplation meets euphoria and where nebular soundscapes meet the mechanized cadence of industrial music. 65daysofstatic are now set to play in Porto for the first time ever – it’ happening on October 26th at Hard Club.


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Apadrinhados por Geoff Barrow dos Portishead e Beak>, que também os assinou pela sua label Invada, os Thought Forms são um trio de Bristol que cria uma linguagem própria a partir dos vocabulários do rock psicadélico, do noise e do shoegaze. Depois de várias aparições em festivais e de digressões com os próprios Portishead, os Thought Forms acompanham agora os 65daysofstatic na sua jornada europeia, fazendo assim a sua estreia absoluta em Portugal.

Managed by Geoff Barrow of Portishead and Beak>, who also signed them on his own label Invada, Thought Forms are a Bristol three-piece that create a language of their own, using psychedelic rock, noise and shoegaze as starting points. After several festival appearances and tours with Portishead themselves, Thought Forms will now join 65daysofstatic in their European journey, making their debut in Portugal.

Full stop. Perfect. 9/10 – Drowned in Sound

Next time someone tells you guitar music has run out of new ideas, simply point them in the direction of Wild Light. 8/10 – NME

Instrumental rock at its best. 8/10 – DIY Magazine

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