



Understage (Rivoli), Porto 🇵🇹

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Amplificasom agencia: Emma Ruth Rundle em Portugal

20-04-2017, QUINTA
Bilhetes (6€ pré-venda/ 8€ dia) disponíveis no Sabotage e na Vinil Experience.

21-04-2017, SEXTA
Bilhetes (5€) disponíveis em breve no Rivoli e online na BOL.

22-04-2017, SÁBADO
Bilhetes (6€) disponíveis no Club de Vila Real e LosGringos Tattoo.

Gus Black

Gus Black

Encontramos na folk taciturna de Emma Ruth Rundle uma esperança difusa, talvez até imperceptível ao primeiro contacto, mas resoluta; uma luz ténue que percorre os intervalos de uma neblina de distorção e de uma tempestade de corações quebrados, de sufocos existenciais, de sentimentos de perda e de derrota. É em Marked for Death, o mais recente trabalho, que esta luz tímida transparece de forma mais firme na discografia de Emma Ruth Rundle, transformando-o num instrumento de auto-conhecimento e de catarse. Se Some Heavy Ocean, o disco de estreia, se apoiava maioritariamente em cândidos lamentos folk, em Marked for Death há um adensar da sonoridade, com camadas de guitarra distorcida que sobem à tona para sublinhar a emoção crua e sem artifícios que Rundle comunica nas suas composições. É para apresentar este novo disco que Emma Ruth Rundle sobe aos palcos portugueses, numa estreia há muito aguardada.

There’s a thin yet resolute cloud of hope shimmering above Emma Ruth Rundle’s melancholic folk songs; a faint light that runs through a haze of distortion and a storm of broken hearts, existential dread, loss and defeat. It’s in Marked for Death, her latest work, that this light transpires more firmly in all of Emma Ruth Rundle’s discography. If Some Heavy Ocean, the debut album, relied mostly on candid folk lamentations, in Marked for Death there is a deepening of the sound, with layers of distorted guitar rising to underline the raw and unbridled emotion that Rundle transmits in her pieces. It’s to present this new album that Emma Ruth Rundle will hit the Portuguese stages, in a long awaited debut in our country.

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Rundle has made her name performing mournful, minor key compositions, swelling with gothic drama, and her latest is her heaviest and most uplifting work yet.

Her fluid voice — a beguiling amalgam of Chelsea Wolfe, Tori Amos, and PJ Harvey — can go from broken to soaring to feral in a single measure, and when paired with her atmospheric guitar pyrotechnics, the effect renders much of the first-person fretting moot.
All Music Guide

Rundle has made the record of her life with “Marked for Death,” the most exposed, heart-bruised of her career. These are songs that should bring people to beg for mercy and they confront the same hurt and confusion Rundle did when writing these songs. She has gone from being a great artist to one you have to STOP whatever you’re doing to hear. Rundle’s always been an excellent vessel for delivering pain, but now she’s entered a new level of power that could cripple weaker souls.
Meat Mead Metal