About event
28-09-2017, QUINTA
PORTAS 21:30
MELT-BANANA 22:00 (não há primeira parte)
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Bilhetes (10€) já à venda online na AMPLISTORE, e no Maus Hábitos, Louie Louie, Piranha, Black Mamba, Bunker Store e BOP.
A descrição possível da sonoridade praticada pelos japoneses Melt-Banana soa improvável, quase desconfortável: as estruturas da pop, discerníveis mas adornadas logo à partida pela típica irreverência nipónica, deixam-se atropelar pela velocidade do grindcore e pelo assalto sónico do harsh noise, pelo meio de um hiperactivo desfile de apontamentos experimentais. Formados em 1992 e desde aí rodeados de um crescente culto, alimentado por discos incontornáveis como Cell-Scape ou Fetch, os Melt-Banana estreiam-se finalmente em Portugal – recebê-los-emos nos Maus Hábitos, no Porto, a 28 de Setembro.
If we try to describe the music done by japanese act Melt-Banana, we come up with something that sounds improbable, if not uncomfortable: pop song structures, adorned by default by the typical Japanese quirkiness, are bulldozed by the speed of grindcore and by the sonic assault of harsh noise, all of this in the middle of a hyperactive parade of experimental elements. Formed in 1992 and since then surrounded by a growing cult status, fueled by amazing records such as Cell Scape or Fetch, Melt-Banana will finally debut in Portugal – we will welcome them at Maus Habitos, in Porto, on the 28th of September.
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That Melt-Banana is making some of the best music of their career—over 20 years into the band’s existence—speaks to the universal and transcendent quality of their noise. The landscape of media, society, and even the microcosm of noise rock has changed greatly, but Onuki and Agata have locked jaws on the diametric constants: energy versus agitation, phobia versus euphoria, and instant nostalgia versus the relentless pursuit of the upgrade.
in Pitchfork
Melt-Banana continue to prove to us that no one on this earth makes extreme music with more style, ingenuity, and inventiveness than they do. This is music for uncontrollable giggle fits, playing fetch with over excited border collies, and sledding down steep, snowy hills with your kids; this is music that makes you feel intensely alive.
in PopMatters
Melt-Banana sound like what you imagine punk and noise will sound like in 50 years from now and seeing them live very much feels like you’re being taken to the future. Melt-Banana offer one of the most vibrant and exhilarating sounds, and they deliver sets to match, which will leave you feeling enlightened.
in Contact Music
Acreditações até 25 de Setembro: press@amplificasom.com
+ info: amplificasom@gmail.com