About event
29/10/2014, QUARTA
PORTAS 20:30
INÍCIO 21:30
10€ apresentando o passe do AMPLIFEST 2014
16€ normal
Locais de venda: AMPLISTORE, Hard Club, Matéria Prima, Louie Louie, Piranha e Bunker Store.
Fosse real a máquina do tempo romanceada por H.G. Wells e os Kadavar torná-la-iam num instrumento obsoleto, pelo menos no que toca à função do regresso à época dourada dos anos setenta. Com o pedal de fuzz alimentado pela sopa primordial do Doom, pela electricidade do Hard Rock e pelo groove do Blues, os Kadavar chegarão ao Porto – em data única em Portugal – como emissários do ácido, das calças boca-de-sino e das barbas espampanantes. A viagem ao passado tem lugar a 29 de Outubro, em mais uma Post-Amplifest Session no Hard Club.
Even if H.G. Wells’ time machine was something beyond fiction, Kadavar would have rendered it useless, at least when it comes to getting back to the golden age of the seventies. With their fuzz pedals turned to eleven and driven by the influence of the earliest doom bands, by the sparkle-dripping electricity of hard rock and by the grooviest of blues, Kadavar will set their foot in Porto – in their only date in Portugal for this tour – and take us back to an acid period full of bell-bottomed pants, fur coats and magnificent beards. The past is scheduled to happen again in October 29, in the form of another Post-Amplifest Session, and taking place at Hard Club.
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