Inside Amplifest: Barn Owl

Miguel Almeida @ Amplifest 2011

Barn Owl are among our two second timers in Amplifest. And there’s a reason to it: they’re unique. The way Jon’s and Evan’s guitars talk with each other will easily get your atention, mesmerize you and get you the shivers. Yup, their drones are not the normal, drowsy ones that will make you space out. There’s no such a thing as “spacing out” in their records. Their concerts… well, let’s just say Barn Owl‘s gig in last year’s Amplifest was among the most intense ones.

We’re proud to have them back with us, and playing a more suitable venue: Passos Manuel. A traditional and very intimae movie theatre which can hold up to 200 people. Of course, we’re also proud to have had a conversation with them:

What do you expect of the Amplifest audience?

The Amplifest audience is great, which I can say from experience!  Very kind, enthusiastic and respectful.   

We like surprises, but what can we expect from your show?

Definitely some new instrumentation, I am using a Doepfer semi- modular analog synthesizer.  Not only guitars this time.

What band do you really want to see at Amplifest?

Bohren und der Club of Gore.

If you had to pick a band or a musician of this Amplifest edition to play with who would it be?

Once again, Bohren.

What records have you been listening lately?

The new Lee Gamble on Pan. Laurie Speigel’s “The Expanding Universe”.  Egisto Macchi “Voix”

Enough about music, Amplifest is also about other arts. What have books have you been reading and what movies have you been watching lately that you want to recommend? 

I’ve been reading Sebald’s “The Rings of Saturn” and Maya Deren’s “Divine Horseman”.  Just saw “The Master”, which had some really amazing performances.

Their concert shall be as hauntingly beautiful as the video above. Enjoy it!