“One day soon, you will log into Facebook and a ‘choice feed’ will tell you what to do with your day. You won’t have to push a button or type in some kind of query — you will simply load up Facebook.com and there, in bold type, your choice feed will tell you what choices to make for the next 24 hours. Wear these clothes; take this route to work; don’t say Hi to Richard, he’s a dick; buy your boss a birthday present — and so on. You won’t hesitate in following Facebook’s choices because they’ll feel completely right; they’ll feel just like your own choices, only they’re not — they’re a computer’s.”


“You will be given the choice of opting out, of course. But think about it: can you see yourself leaving Facebook today? Now fast forward a few months, a year. Imagine what it will be like once all of your communication goes through Facebook; quitting won’t be an option.”

O artigo completo está aqui. Podia considerar esta visão futurista como utópica, mas não anda assim tão longe da verdade, pois não? Eu não tive hi5, myspace, não tenho Facebook e continuo sem vontade. Arrepio-me quando vejo pessoas a viverem vidas paralelas nestas plataformas esquecendo-se daquela que realmente interessa. Mas imagino que o futuro até passe por algo semelhante, só não quero fazer parte dele.

No monte da mesinha de cabeceira: Guy Debord – A Sociedade do Espectáculo