Neurosis begins a new chapter
As of today, after much thought and discussion, visual projections as we have presented them over the last 20 years will no longer be part of Neurosis live shows.
“We are going to begin the process of reinventing our live presentation. This process will begin at zero, allowing the music to speak for itself and lead us where it may. Whatever form or however long this may take is unknown.
“This also signals a parting of the ways with our visual artist of the last twelve years, Josh Graham. Josh’s tireless work and talent came at a time when we really needed it and carried us gracefully into the video age with original content we couldn’t have dreamed of when we were just starting out. Our parting comes from a place of mutual respect, friendship and understanding. We all agree that this is a step Neurosis has to take and are open to working together on specific projects in the future. We wish him success and the best of luck with all of his own musical endeavors and artistic passions. In the spirit of sound, -Steve, Dave, Jason, Noah, and Scott
Vi os Neurosis com o Josh Graham e posso confirmar que as projecções ofereciam uma componente visual muito cativante, complementavam os sons e palavras que o quinteto emanava em palco. No próximo domingo, a fazer lembrava aquelas trips “Hoje não venho jantar, mas amanhã estou cá para o almoço” confirmaremos se o líder dos A Storm of Light, com o qual trabalhamos duas vezes, vai fazer falta. Quer dizer, isto não soou bem dito desta forma. Claro que fará falta, claro que era uma mais valia e inclusive visto pela banda nos últimos 12 anos como um elemento da mesma. Será diferente, a música poderá e deverá falar por si só, mas será definitivamente um novo capítulo.
Quanto ao disco, o mesmo que estreou mundialmente no Amplifest, já o deixaram crescer?