RA | «O Inferno São Os Outros» • Remix by Necro Deathmort

Artwork by Marta Macedo

RA, a Portuguese-born solo endeavour headed by Ricardo Remédio, transmutes the human restraints, the narrowness of our natural reach, into a digital and sidereal electronic throb. Its first EP, «Rancor», came out two years ago through the evergrowing label Lovers & Lollypops, gathering much positive acclaim.

The record’s four songs were reinvented through national and international entities – Daniel O’Sullivan [Ulver, Grumbling Fur, Mothlite] took care of «O(s) Cobarde(s)», the EP opening track; the second one, self-titled, was recrafted by Blac Koyote, while Justin K Broadrick gave his abstractionist print to «Paz Podre».

The fourth, and final movement, is completed by Necro Deathmort. The British duo deconstructs the spinal cord of «O Inferno São Os Outros» [Hell Is Other People, in English], engrafting their own shadowy dub into it.

With the remixing cycle now concluded, RA is already engineering his next studio step. All to be revealed soon.


Quando Sarte afirmou que o inferno mora no alheio, de indirecta forma depositou em nós o ónus da culpa. Apontou a víbora e o seu veneno, mas logo nas entrelinhas perguntou a razão de nos deixarmos morder pelo escárnio e maledicência. Vivemos das palavras alheias. De portas escancaradas para a aflição.

RA encontra-se na ausência verbal, onde a sintaxe punitiva dá lugar à electrónica desumanizante. O EP de estreia, ardósia digital de quatro movimentos, fecha com «O Inferno São Os Outros» – construção agora refundida nos sombrios alicerces dub de Necro Deathmort.

Os britânicos assinam a derradeira remix extraída desse primeiro passo discográfico, após Daniel O’Sullivan, Blac Koyote e Justin K Broadrick terem chefiado as restantes.