RA | «Paz Podre» • Remix by Justin K Broadrick
Pedagogo niilista, Justin K Broadrick [Godflesh, Jesu], via codificações morse feitas a drum machine, tacteia a opressão existencial como poucos. O esquálido profeta do nada, sob a entidade JK Flesh, reinterpreta agora, numa lânguida e robótica semiologia, «Paz Podre» – sete sibilantes minutos daí resultam, vagos na dissonância e concretos na inquietação.
Esta é a penúltima de quatro remixes que RA, projecto de Ricardo Remédio, difunde. A primeira, construído pelas apátridas mãos de Daniel O’Sullivan [Ulver, Mothlite, Grumbling Fur], mostrou-se a 23 de Abril. A segunda, lapidada por Blac Koyote, eclodiu a 23 de Maio. Resta uma.
RA, a Portuguese-born solo endeavour headed by Ricardo Remédio, transmutes the human restraints, the narrowness of our natural reach, into a digital and sidereal electronic throb. Its first EP, «Rancor», came out two years ago through the evergrowing label Lovers & Lollypops, gathering much positive acclaim. The record’s four songs are now being reinvented through national and international entities – Daniel O’Sullivan [Ulver, Grumbling Fur, Mothlite] took care of «O(s) Cobarde(s)», the EP opening track; the second one, self-titled, was recrafted by Blac Koyote.
Justin K Broadrick, the nihilist mastermind behind Godflesh and Jesu, gropes nothingness like no other. Under the alias JK Flesh, his semiotic industrial parlance dilutes «Paz Podre» [false peace in Portuguese] into a seven minutes long obstreperous dissonance. By the end of it, there is no room for any sort of denial: the British ghost-skinned producer fully embodies the sparse outline of the original – a must-listen.