O “Blessed are the Bonds”, de Pax Cecilia, é um dos poucos exemplos de álbuns bons que se tornaram “conhecidos” por motivos extra-música .A banda decidiu enviar pelo correio o álbum ( à borla ) a quem o quisesse, bastando para isso enviar um e-mail a pedir. Isto foi em 2007 – estes norte-americanos surpreenderam não só pela forma original de distribuir o lançamento mas também pelo som, uma mistura entre post-rock e screamo experimental.
Agora,em 2010, quem,como eu, ouviu e gostou do “Blessed are the Bonds” deve ter duas perguntas à banda :”O que têm feito nos últimos 3 anos?” e “Voltariam a distribuir o álbum à borlix?”.
Foi o que eu fiz : falei com o pianista/violoncelista Kent Wilson para saber o que é que andam a tramar…

“It may sound strange, but we’ve been spending the time since “Blessed…”

making ourselves better people. Initially, after touring with the album
material, we started on a new set of compositions, but we thankfully took
a step back and asked ourselves: “What is it we are trying to accomplish?
And why?”
Those questions led to two years of serious inner, creative, and academic
exploration. Only now are our individual aesthetic theories starting to
take form, only now are we beginning to trust ourselves and each other to
create again.

Choosing to distribute in that way and seeing it through is a big source
of pride for us, I think. It became expensive beyond our expectations, and
we would not be able to sustain that exact approach for another release,
but the fundamental idea behind it is still important to us – that art is
free for all and supported by those who can support it.
In a less philosophical view, the free distribution/donation method
allowed us to get our album to more listeners than if we had chosen
traditional approaches. And so, both ideologically and practically, it
will always be valuable to us to investigate new ways of distribution.”