RS: One of your two gigs in Portugal will happen at Amplifest where you can find some heavy stuff. Also you’ll share the stage with Swans, Ben Frost and Yob. How do you feel about that? MN: I feel very excited about that. I played shows with Gira w

Doom metal has been perfecting its genes for over forty years, and Conan are one of the most consistent bands to arise from that evolutionary lineage. Stripping down of any gimmicks or flourishes, Conan’s music is all about bare power. The batterin

O David Eugene Edwards é daquelas personagens únicas, em que só mesmo assistindo a um concerto nos apercebemos daquela evocação toda que transporta para palco. Conseguiu prender toda a plateia. Foi um concerto mágico. Em 2009, o Pedro Roque do