November 9th - “Raw Blood Talking” with Dana Schechter & Tim Wyskida (Insect Ark) /// This year’s Insect Ark album ‘Raw Blood Singing’, has been nothing short of a revelation, a real departure for a band that we had already loved for many years, and booking them for the festival was a no-brainer. But we feel there’s so much underneath the work created by founder Dana Schechter (Swans) and well-known new drummer Tim Wyskida (Khanate), that we are going to sit them down opposite our Amplitalk maestro José Carlos Santos to discover more, not only about this particularly fascinating new piece, but also about the band’s history and the personal trajectory of these two exceptional musicians. /// November 10th - “One Last Song” with Geneviève Beaulieu & S. de la Moth (Menace Ruine) /// Menace Ruine have always been a relatively distant entity. When they started setting our souls on fire with records such as ‘Cult Of Ruins’ or ‘The Die Is Cast’, little was known about them besides their geographic origin (the white rural landscapes of Québec) and the names/nicknames they used. As the years went by, Geneviève Beaulieu and S. de la Moth have remained particularly reluctant to participate in lengthy interviews or allow peeks into their artistic intimacy, especially during the somewhat inactive period they went through before 2022’s returning effort ‘Nekyia’. However, Amplifest magic caused the shy pair to have accepted a sit down with José Carlos Santos for a chat that we expect to be as revelatory as never before.