NO JOY was born a few years ago – at Amplifest, naturally, as so many other things are - when writer José Carlos Santos and musician/photographer Pedro Roque got together to bring some weird noise to an unsuspecting DJ set slot. The chemistry between the two buddies was immediate, the audience inexplicably reacted fantastically well to their potentially room-clearing left-field choices, and so the tradition began. Last year, the duo annihilated a sweaty mass of dancing punters at Ferro Bar until the wee hours of the morning, with harsh electronics, clangy Tom Waits songs and 40 year-old Iron Maiden ballads (!) bringing everyone together into a delirious communion in that cave-like room. It was so cool that this year they’re doing it again at Ferro on Friday. The weirdo party is on! /// Because it's our 18th anniversary, our AMPLIFICASOM family will DJ both Saturday and Sunday nights.