Amplifest 2022: LINGUA IGNOTA, SUMAC and Swans
Amplifesters, we couldn’t be more excited to share with you that LINGUA IGNOTA, SUMAC and Swans will join the previously announced Godspeed You! Black Emperor on the second weekend of Amplifest 2022🔥🔥🔥
All info/ tickets: https://tinyurl.com/ydfeb8pz
Reminder: those who already have the sold out ticket for FDS1 have one month left to purchase the FDS2 ticket with a 25€ discount. Much more to be announced within the next months – thank you for being there!
Amplifesters, esperamos que fiquem tão felizes quanto nós: LINGUA IGNOTA, SUMAC e Swans juntam-se, aos já anunciados Godspeed You! Black Emperor, no segundo fim-de-semana do Amplifest 2022🔥🔥🔥
Toda a info/ bilhetes: https://tinyurl.com/ydfeb8pz
Reminder: os portadores do já esgotado FDS1 têm, a partir de hoje, mais um mês para adquirirem o FDS2 com 25€ de desconto. Muito mais para anunciar nos próximos meses – obrigado por estarem aÃ!